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Natural Daily Detox 葡萄益生菌排毒

Natural Daily Detox 益生菌排毒 (15 sachets/box)

法国 Natural Daily Detox 含有益生菌成分,天天顺畅由排毒开始!

抗氧化,美化肌肤,使皮肤光泽丰润,延缓衰化。 增加人体抵抗力,促进入体新陈代谢。 降低血液胆固醇及控制糖尿病潜在冠状动脉心脏疾病之风 险。 增加肠胃中的有益益菌,促进肠胃蠕动,降低结肠癌发生的风险。 有效促进体重下降,减肥,去水肿之功效。

Natural Daily Detox
Anti Aging
RM 130
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★ increase the body's resistance, and promote the body metabolism.
★ effectively promote weight loss, weight loss, to edema effect.
★ antioxidant, beautify the skin, the skin luster rich, slow decline of.
★ blood cholesterol and reduce the risk of coronary heart disease potential control of diabetes.
★ increase the beneficial bacteria in the stomach, promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, reduce the risk of colon cancer.

★ 100% natural.
★ Ribena taste.
★ can drink without shaker.
★ does not cause stomach cramps.
★ contain laxative ingredients.
★ contain flavoring agents, colorants, preservatives or saccharin.

★ inulin, psyllium husk, alfalfa, aloe vera, grape probiotics.

Suitable for:
★ women, men, the elderly, children over 7 years old, pregnant women, lactation.

★ Malaysian Ministry of Health KKM license.
★ GMP certification.

★ just before going to sleep each day, will join a pack of 100ml boiled water, stir evenly drink.
★ child half a pack a day, every 2-3  package for pregnant women.

Intense Nutrition:
Aloe Vera - Natual anti aging agent
Grape Probiotics - Increases body Resistance
Inulin - Increase the activity of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract
Psyllium Husk - The most effective dietary fiber
Alfalfa Extract - Anti-oxidation, beautify skin

- KKM permits, safe to take.
- Produced under GMP certified factory.

For people:
Women, men, children above 7 years , pregnant women, nursing ..
~ Child half sachet daily
~ Pregnant 2-3 day per sachet
~ for sensitive body, please ask the advice of doctor before taking.

Dosage: take a pack daily before going to sleep.
Mix with one glass (100ml) of water, then immediately drinking.

Net wt: 10g x 15 sachets


❤Natural Daily Detox 特点:
✅ ~100%纯天然
✅ ~Ribena口味,不使用shaker都能喝
✅ ~不导致肚子绞痛
✅ ~不含调味剂、色素、防腐剂或糖精
✅ ~不含泻药成份

❤Natural Daily Detox成份:

❤Natural Daily Detox 功效 :


❤ 适合人群 :
✅~孕妇 2-3天一包

❤服用方法 :
每日临睡前服用一包。 把Natural Daily Detox倒入杯,注入100毫升清水,使用汤匙搅匀即可,然后立即服用。


https://beauty2bits.blogspot.com/2015/09/natural-daily-detox_28.htmlNatural Daily Detox 葡萄益生菌排毒BeautyBits WholesaleNatural Daily Detox 葡萄益生菌排毒https://beauty2bits.blogspot.com/2015/09/natural-daily-detox_28.htmlNatural Daily Detox 葡萄益生菌排毒Natural Daily Detox 葡萄益生菌排毒 by BeautyBits WholesaleProduct #: BeautyBits Wholesale_92232544946035992595 stars out of 5 reviews.

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