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BONANZA KFM Zymo-Excitative Membraneous Mask

BONANZA Zymo Excitative Membrance KFM Mask
宝艺KFM酵素冷膜 550g
水感净颜面膜,净白冻膜人气王就是要你水、嫩、白、透!天然的分解酵素更可有效调理脸部暗沉现象, 萃取的洋甘菊菁华原液,轻松调理肌肤不适及晒后泛红。

RM 99

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BONANZA Zymo-excitative Membraneous, a watery, clear and natural mask, deeply clears away dirt inside pores.
It can be used every day. It allows you to finish main skincare regimen including cleansing, brightening and recovery of skin elasticity in just one step.
KFM Zymo-excitative Membranecus is able to prevent the formation and decomposition of melanin and thus, making your skin fairer.
It contains natural chamomile extract that sooths your skin and deals with your skin discomfort and sunburn.
Moreover, it cleanses your skin deeply and thoroughly, removing dirt from your pores, and hence achieving smoother, softer and fairer skin.

https://beauty2bits.blogspot.com/2015/10/bonanza-kfm-zymo-excitative-membraneous.htmlBONANZA KFM Zymo-Excitative Membraneous MaskBeautyBits WholesaleBONANZA KFM Zymo-Excitative Membraneous Maskhttps://beauty2bits.blogspot.com/2015/10/bonanza-kfm-zymo-excitative-membraneous.htmlBONANZA KFM Zymo-Excitative Membraneous MaskBONANZA KFM Zymo-Excitative Membraneous Mask by BeautyBits WholesaleProduct #: BeautyBits Wholesale_53240398668005731085 stars out of 5 reviews.

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