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Sculpting Slim

Sculpting Slim Care Cream Upgraded 升级版 天然茉莉花香味 祛风瘦身膏 (500g)

Ingredients imported from Europe

RM 170

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天然茉莉花香味 ♠ 升级版 500ml/罐装

独家效果特点 药效转针对产后祛风瘦身疗效 (适用于坐月子期间产后按摩配用)
* 消除多余脂肪
* 解决蜂窝组织问题
* 淡化妊辰纹
* 紧实肌肤
* 改善水肿问题
* 改善松弛皮肤
* 收紧皮肤和脂肪的空间
* 达到塑身效果

配合有效按摩手法 以及 坚持疗程
→ 燃烧多余脂肪
→ 紧实下垂皮下油脂
→ 消除身体 【 风 】和 【 湿 】
→ 适用于坐月子期间

可大约用于 2-3个月左右

Directions: Apply on clean skins, gently massage in circular motion on cellulite areas for 20-30 seconds morning and night.
Wash your hand thoroughly after applying. Suitable for Postnatal Massage!!

Suitable for: People who want to burn body fat, especially for ladies after pregnancy(even for breastfeeding). Best for Postnatal Massage!
Ingredients: lipolysis acid, seaweed Cellulite creams, ginkgo extract, ivy extract, South America, capsaicin, cassia oil, jojoba oil, L- carnitine, ginger

• Promotes tight
• Relieve edema
• Dissolves cellulite
• Relies rheumatism

✔ burn body fat
✔ firming sagging fat
✔ fade stretch marks
✔ Improved water retention
✔ chills and efficacy
✔ remove toxins / stool(bloated stomach)
✔ Improve skin laxity

Frequent asked Q
1) How long to see results?
Depend on individual  , usually about 1-2 weeks.

2) Are there side effects or rebound?
No side effects and will not rebound, 0 negative feedback

3) How long can one Jar last? 
Jar of available 2-3 months according to personal body

4) Does it really contain chills ingredients?
Many customers are very satisfied and happy with the chills through burping or farting exhaust

https://beauty2bits.blogspot.com/2015/10/sculpting-slim.htmlSculpting SlimBeautyBits WholesaleSculpting Slimhttps://beauty2bits.blogspot.com/2015/10/sculpting-slim.htmlSculpting SlimSculpting Slim by BeautyBits WholesaleProduct #: BeautyBits Wholesale_66775209378864569015 stars out of 5 reviews.

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