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Svelte 17 Organic Jelly Detox / 8pcs

1 box / 8 pcs

- Easy consume
- Easy take
- Rich in vitamin
- Prevent constipation
- Increase immune system
- Delicious
- Slimming
- Cure bad breath
RM 69.00

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Svelte 17是一种将日常生活中可吃到的膳食通过科技调配, 以Svelte 17排毒美颜果冻形态的一种排毒,养眼的功能性保健食品!


为何选择Svelte 17排毒美颜果冻
- 方便食用
- 排宿便
- 营养价值高
- 低热量
- 促进身体代谢
- 肠道排毒
- 甘甜可口
- 纤体瘦身
- 调节免疫力
- 改善口气问题

功效 :

纯净水,果葡糖浆, 果冻粉. 罗汉果浓缩液, 海藻糖, 山梨酸钾, 阿斯巴甜, 香料.

罗汉果含有几种抗氧化净化有害物质的功能,化解体内因新陈代谢而产生的游离基, 防止老化。润肠通便,清热泻火,生津止渴止咳润燥, 美容养颜的多重功效,能医治急慢性气管炎、咽喉炎、急性扁桃体炎、支气管哮喘、失音和便秘等病症。




The special of svelte17 :
- Easy consume
- Easy take
- Rich in vitamin
- Prevent constipation
- Increase immune system
- Delicious
- Slimming
- Cure bad breath

Ingredients :
purified water, HFCS ( high fructose corn syrup ), jelly powder, momordica grosvenori concentrate, trehalose, potassium sorbate, aspartame, flavoring.

Intructions :
Eat 1 jelly 30 minute before meal for better result. Can help reducing the food absorbtion so can get slimming effect.

For healthy purpose, everyday take 1 piece is enough. And take extra piece when u need to detox such as when eating too oily food. Maximum only can take 4 pieces of svelte17 jelly per day.

For slimming body purpose, some people is super fat but have hypertension so they cannot take slimming pill, but they wish to slim, so they take svelte17 jelly everytime before meals. Maximum only can take 4 pieces of svelte17 jelly per day.

After eat Svelte17 jelly, you can eat anything u want, but the more oil food u eat, u will need to go toilet poo for more time, because svelte17 detox your body release out oil from your body.

https://beauty2bits.blogspot.com/2016/10/svelte17-organic-jelly-detox.htmlSvelte 17 Organic Jelly Detox / 8pcsBeautyBits WholesaleSvelte 17 Organic Jelly Detox / 8pcshttps://beauty2bits.blogspot.com/2016/10/svelte17-organic-jelly-detox.htmlSvelte 17 Organic Jelly Detox / 8pcsSvelte 17 Organic Jelly Detox / 8pcs by BeautyBits WholesaleProduct #: BeautyBits Wholesale_39192246562983861595 stars out of 5 reviews.

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